Theoretical knowledge and practice wisdom: Towards a comprehensive model for addressing elder abuse and neglect

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In recent years, the phenomena of elder abuse and neglect have
received growing attention. Although research and practical knowledge
accumulated over the years to date, an evidence based practice model for
dealing with elder abuse and neglect has yet to be developed. However,
practical and empirical knowledge that is being developed and implemented
is in distinct parallel tracks with little dialogue between them.
Aim: to describe a framework developed and implemented in Israel in
the last years. Practitioners and researchers are engaged in an ongoing
dialogue with ideas, experiences, inquiry, and reflections. This discourse
gives an equal voice for each type of knowledge (empirical and practical).
Our presentation will describe a framework and implementation of a model
followed by discussion about its meaning of addressing the phenomenon
of elder abuse and neglect. Several issues will be discussed: prevalence of
elder abuse & neglect; identifying risk factors; developing and evaluating
community based model for intervention; understanding long term
Intimate partner violence dynamic; comprehending intergenerational
relationship developed in the shadow of abuse and neglect. Our experience
over time reveals that open communication between professionals and
researchers goes beyond breaking the boundaries between them. Through
this process, a novel knowledge on elder abuse and neglect can be created.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationViolence against the elderly:
Subtitle of host publicationchallenges - research - action
EditorsKatarzyna Jagielska, Joanna Magorzata Lukasik, Norbert Gerard Pikua
PublisherNova Science Publishers, Inc.
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)978-0-9950471-0-5
StatePublished - 2015


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