The Working Memory Token Test (WMTT): Preliminary findings in young adults with and without dyslexia

Shimon Sapir, Ravit Cohen Mimran

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The purpose of the study was to assess the validity of a new version of the Token Test (TT) which is aimed at detecting deficits in auditory verbal working memory (henceforth WMTT). Twenty eight young healthy adults, 14 with and 14 without dyslexia, all paid volunteers, took part in the study. The WMTT was found to be positively and significantly correlated with tests of digit span forward and backward, pseudoword reading performance, but not with real word reading, performance IQ, and the d-2 attention measure. The WMTT also appeared to be a more sensitive method than the original TT to detect differences in auditory verbal working memory between the two subject groups. These main findings, albeit preliminary, indicate that the WMTT is superior to the original Token Test (memory parts) in assessing auditory verbal working memory deficits.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2005
Event9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 4 Sep 20058 Sep 2005


Conference9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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