The volunteers in the Rule of the Community: A biblical notion in sectarian garb

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The article examines the meaning of the term mitnadevim ("volunteers") as a technical appellation for the members of the Qumran community, chiefly in the Rule of the Cmmunity. It is shown that the term is based on the biblical cultic terminology of a free-will offering (Lev 22:21), and a free-will contributions made to the temple (Ezra 1:6, 2:68-69; Nehemiah 11:2; 1 Chronicles 29). Transformed into figurative expressions these terms refer to the free-will offering made by the sectarians of their own life within the community. The transition from the concrete cultic language into the figurative sectarian nomenclature is particularly clear on comparison between Lev 22:21 and 1QS IX, 5.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)233-246
Number of pages14
JournalRevue de Qumran
StatePublished - Nov 2007

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Religious studies


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