The Israel National Bathymetric Survey: Northern Gulf of 'Aqaba/Elat poster

Aharon Sade, John K. Hall, Gideon Tibor, Tina M. Niemi, Zvi Ben-Avraham, Abdallah A. Al-Zoubi, Gal Hartman, Emad Akawwi, Abdel Rahman Abueladas, Gideon Amit

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Between 29 October and 21 November 2006, as part of the Israel National Bathymetric Survey (NBS), the IOLR's R/V Etziona carried out a geophysical survey of the Israeli and Jordanian sectors of the northern Red Sea Gulf of 'Aqaba/Elat. Multibeam bathymetric data were collected using a Kongsberg-Simrad EM1002 system with 111 beams operating at 96 kHz. Continuous digital high-resolution seismic reflection profiles were also acquired with a Geo-Resources Geo-Source 200 sparker system, and total magnetic field measurements with a Geometrics G-881 cesium magnetometer. In shallow water, side-scan sonar imagery was made with an Edgetech E-Sea Scan 800 system operated from the R/V Danny-Boy. The resulting poster is inserted in this issue. One side shows the shaded hypsometrically colored bathymetry merged with the SPOT V false color (vegetation shown in red) satellite imagery (2.5 m pixel resolution) from 31 July 2006. The texturized image is at 1:20,000 scale with UTM projection (Zone 36) and WGS-84 datum. Contour interval is 50 m. Contours outside the swath mapped area are based upon sparse soundings and some Hydrosweep data from Meteor Cruise 44, Leg 2. The back of the poster shows three-dimensional views of the mapped area as seen from the south, the east (towards Israel), and the west (towards Jordan).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-144 parent&backto=issue,5,5;journal,1,27;homemainpublications,2,5;
JournalIsrael Journal of Earth Sciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences


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