The Arab Spring: Opportunities

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Alongside the risks to Israel, the Arab Spring also offers it opportunities. These include opportunities to advance its strategic objectives as they are defined in "realist" terms of power. But Israel may also be able to advance goals that draw on a "normative" set of preferences, assuming that its objectives include not simply maximizing power but also the conclusion of peace agreements with its neighbors, an end to control over all, or most of, the territories it occupied in 1967, and the strengthening of Israel's liberal-democratic foundations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-70
JournalPalestine-Israel journal of politics, economics and culture
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2012


  • Palestinian Arabs -- West Bank -- Samaria (Region) -- Periodicals
  • ערבים פלשתינאים -- יהודה ושומרון -- שומרון (אזור) -- כתבי עת
  • Palestinian Arabs -- Israel -- Judea (Region) -- Periodicals
  • ערבים פלשתינאים -- ישראל -- יהודה (אזור) -- כתבי עת
  • Palestinian Arabs -- Gaza Strip -- Periodicals
  • ערבים פלשתינאים -- רצועת עזה -- כתבי עת
  • العرب الفلسطينيّون -- قطاع غزّة -- الدوريات
  • Arab-Israeli conflict -- Economic aspects -- Periodicals
  • הסכסוך הערבי-ישראלי -- היבטים כלכליים -- כתבי עת
  • الصراع العربيّ الإسرائيليّ -- جوانب اقتصاديّة -- الدوريات
  • Arab-Israeli conflict -- Periodicals
  • הסכסוך הערבי-ישראלי -- כתבי עת
  • الصراع العربيّ الإسرائيليّ -- الدوريات
  • West Bank
  • יהודה ושומרון
  • الضفّة الغربيّة


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