Test of a factor mixture-based taxonic-dimensional model of anxiety sensitivity and panic attack vulnerability among university and clinical samples in Mexico City

Amit Bernstein, Samuel Jurado Cárdenas, Patricia Edith Campos Coy, Michael J. Zvolensky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aim of the present study was to evaluate a factor mixture-based taxonic-dimensional model of anxiety sensitivity (AS) (Bernstein et al. Behavior Therapy 41:515-521, 2010), as measured by the ASI-3 (Taylor et al. Psychological Assessment 19:176-188, 2007), in regard to panic attacks, anxiety symptoms, and behavioral impairment among a university sample (N=150, n females=107, mage=21.3 years, SD=4.3) and a clinical sample (N=150, nfemales=102, mage=39.0 years, SD=12.0) from Mexico City, Mexico. Findings demonstrated cross-national support for the conceptual and operational utility of the AS taxonicdimensional hypothesis (Bernstein et al. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 20:1-22, 2007b). Specifically, (1) the FMMbased AS taxon class base rate was significantly greater among the clinical relative to the university sample; (2) risk for panic attacks was significantly greater among the AS taxon class relative to the AS normative class; and (3) continuous individual differences in AS physical and psychological concerns, within the AS taxon class, were associated with level of risk for panic attacks, as well as panic attack severity and anxiety symptom levels. Similar AS taxonic-dimensional effects were observed in relation to degree of behavioral impairment across domains of functioning. The study results are discussed with respect to their implications for better understanding the nature of ASrelated cognitive vulnerability for panic and related anxiety psychopathology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)491-500
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 2011

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Dr. Bernstein recognizes the funding support from the Israeli Council for Higher Education Yigal Alon Fellowship, the European Union FP-7 Marie Curie Fellowship International Reintegration Grant, the National Institutes of Health Clinical LRP, and the Rothschild-Caesarea Foundation’s Returning Scientists Project at the University of Haifa.


  • Anxiety sensitivity
  • Panic

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Psychology


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