Sustainable Transport – A Comparative Analysis of Israel, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

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In recent years 'sustainability' has become an important issue in policy discussion and decision making, especially with regard to transportation. Here the role of 'sustainability' and the forms of its incorporation into transportation policy is surveyed and compared for Israel, the Netherlands and the UK. In particular, comparisons are made and discussed across these countries based on several factors, including existence of plans (strategic and integrative), specific objectives and targets, institutional arrangements, environmental impact assessment processes, implementation tools, and political and public commitment and involvement. The comparisons highlight two major tenets of the Israeli system that present obstacles to the establishment of transportation and environmental linkages. The first involves the lack of transparency in the planning process and the corresponding dearth of political and public participation, consensus and commitment to plans. The second is the existing institutional structure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)40-58
JournalWorld Transport Policy & Practice
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2000


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