Reverberation mapping of a Low-mass bLack hoLe in a narrow-Line seyfert 1 gaLaxy

Stephen E. Rafter, Shai Kaspi, Doron CheLouche, Efrat Sabach, David KarL, Ehud Behar

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We present resuLts of a reverberation mapping (RM) campaign on the Low bLack hoLe mass narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) gaLaxy SDSS J113913.91+335551.1 (hereafter SL01). Using the Hβ measurements, we find a time Lag τ = 12.5+0.5-11 days and a broad-Line veLocity width of 1450 kms-1 which impLies a bLack hoLe mass of 3.8+0.6 -2.8 ×106M. To further boLster our time Lag resuLts, we empLoy a secondary method based on the muLtivariate correLation function as described in CheLouche & Zucker, in which case we obtain consistent Lags for the BaLmer Lines, yet without the need to spectraLLy deconvoLve Line from continuum emission processes. Given SL01s Luminosity (LboL≈ 7 ×1043 erg s-1), we estimate an Eddington ratio (LboL/LEdd) of ∼0.18. This fairLy Low-mass determination and rather high LboL/LEdd is consistent with the current paradigm that the nucLei of NLS1 gaLaxies host smaLL bLack hoLes (as Low as 106M) with high accretion rates. SL01 is one of onLy a few NLS1s to date with robust RM resuLts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number24
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - 10 Aug 2013


  • gaLaxies: NucLei
  • gaLaxies: Seyfert
  • gaLaxies: active

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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