Palestinian and Arab-Jewish cultures: Language, literature, and identity

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Studies Arabic literary production from the point of view of commitment and hybridization and the interactions between them Discusses the role of the 1948 Nakba in shaping Palestinian culture and literature Presents the contribution of Ma?mud Darwish in the process of Palestinian nation-building Sheds light on the emergence of Palestinian theatrical movement Provocatively rereads the history of Jewish involvement in Arabic literature Laments the demise of Arab-Jewish culture following the clash between Zionism and Arab national movement Part of a two-volume set, this volume examines the issues of commitment and hybridization in Arabic literature concentrating on Palestinian literature and Arab-Jewish culture and the interactions between them. Reuvin Snir studies the contribution of Palestinian literature and theatre to Palestinian nation-building, especially since the 1948 Nakba. Becoming an essential part of the vocabulary of Arab intellectuals and writers, since the 1950s commitment (iltizam) has been employed to indicate the necessity for a writer to convey a message rather than merely create an imaginative work for its own sake. As for hybridization, the author focuses on the role Jews have played in Arabic literature against the backdrop of their contribution to this literature since the pre-Islamic period, and in light of the gradual demise of Arab-Jewish culture in recent years. The blending of elements from different cultures is one of the major phenomena in Arabic literature, certainly in light of its relationship with Islam and its cultural heritage, which has been extending during the last one-and-half millennia.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherEdinburgh University Press
Number of pages443
ISBN (Electronic)9781399503235
ISBN (Print)9781399503211
StatePublished - 8 Feb 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Reuven Snir, 2023. All rights reserved.


  • Anton Shammas
  • Arab-Jews
  • Arabic literature
  • Bilingualism
  • Commitment
  • Comparative literature
  • Contemporary literature
  • Drama
  • Hybridity
  • Identity
  • Iltizam
  • Intifada
  • Ishaq Bar-Moshe
  • Mahmud Darwish
  • Na'im 'Arayidi
  • Nakba
  • Palestine
  • Samih al-Qasim
  • Verse

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Arts and Humanities


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