Look who's being left behind: Educational interpreters and access to education for deaf and hard-of-hearing students

Brenda Schick, Kevin Williams, Haggai Kupermintz

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    For many deaf and hard-of-hearing students, access to the general education curriculum is provided, in part, by using the services of an educational interpreter. Even with a highly qualified interpreter, full access to the content and social life in a hearing classroom can be challenging, and there are many aspects of the educational placement that can affect success. The skills and knowledge of the educational interpreter are one critical aspect. This study reports results from a study of approximately 2,100 educational interpreters from across the United States. All the interpreters were evaluated using the Educational Interpreters Performance Assessment (EIPA), an evaluation instrument used to assess and certify classroom interpreters (see Schick, Williams, & Bolster, 1999). The results show that approximately 60% of the interpreters evaluated had inadequate skills to provide full access. In addition, educational interpreters who had completed an Interpreter Training Program had EIPA scores only .5 of an EIPA level above those who had not, on average. Demographic data and its relationship with EIPA ratings are explored. In general, the study suggests that many deaf and hard-of-hearing students receive interpreting services that will seriously hinder reasonable access to the classroom curriculum and social interaction.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3-20
    Number of pages18
    JournalJournal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
    Issue number1
    StatePublished - Dec 2006

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Education
    • Speech and Hearing


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