Interpretation of Imputed Behavior in ALIBI (1 to 3) and SKILL

Fadel Fakher Eldeen, Tsvi Kuflik, Ephraim Nissan, Gilad Puni, Roni Salfati, Yuval Shaul, Auni Spanioli

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ALIBI is a program that analyzes an accusation and finds excuses ( or, more generally, alternative explanations: not ~alibis» ). ALIBI analyzes an accusation, decomposes actions imputed, and then to exculpate the def endant, by separating ascertained events from deontic (i.e., legai or moral) interpretations, and by recomposing the constitutive elements yielded by the recursive decomposition of the actions, into a less reprehensìble pian of action. ALIBI2 has, as interface, a parser that allows the input accusation to be stated as a set of simple Englis.h sentences. ALIBI) ìncludes an explicit mechanism to calculate costs of excuses and parts thereof in terms of deontic liability. SKILL is a program that extends justification to areas other than in the legai domain: skill in perf ormìng at some task is judged according to commonsense knowledge (indudìng widespread prejudices) about the task, on classes of perf ormers, and on the environment.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)213-242
JournalInformatica e Diritto
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


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