Influence Strategies of Principals: Ordinary Times Compared with Times of Change

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The following study examined whether principals utilized flexible influence strategies under changing circumstances. More specifically, it investigated the fundamental influence strategies principals used to affect teachers in regular times compared with times of change. It also examined the relationships between distinct influence strategies and the effectiveness of the organizational change. Subjects were 450 Israeli teachers. The results indicate that principals acted mainly through an informal and less directive orientation of influence both in ordinary times and in times of change. The results also suggest that although support and involvement in decision making proved significant contributors to change effectiveness, those influence strategies were used less by principals during the process of change than in ordinary times. Nevertheless, the findings highlight the readiness of principals to utilize a more-participative influence approach. These results are discussed in regard to current reform efforts in school education.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-47
Number of pages23
JournalJournal of School Leadership
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2001

Bibliographical note

doi: 10.1177/105268460101100103


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