INDEPTH wide-angle reflection observation of P-wave-to-S-wave conversion from crustal bright spots in Tibet

Yizhaq Makovsky, Simon L. Klemperer, Lothar Ratschbacher, Larry D. Brown, Ming Li, Wenjin Zhao, Fanle Meng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Three-component wide-angle seismic data acquired in southern Tibet during Project INDEPTH show strong P-to-S converted reflections from reflectors that are aligned at a depth of ~15 kilometers beneath the northern Yadong-Gulu rift. These converted reflections are locally higher in amplitude than the corresponding P-wave reflections. Modeling of reflection mode conversion as a function of incidence angle indicates that this condition obtains for a reflector that is a solid over fluid interface; it is not typical of a solid-solid interface. The likely candidates for a fluid trapped within the crystalline crust of southern Tibet are granitic magma and water (brine).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1690-1691
Number of pages2
Issue number5293
StatePublished - 6 Dec 1996
Externally publishedYes

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