From First to Second Edition

Orit Hazzan, Yael Dubinsky

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In the introductory chapter of the first edition of this book, published in 2008, we asked questions such as what is agile software development?Agile software development Why is an agile perspective at software engineering needed? What are the main characteristics of agile software development? What can be achieved by agile software development processes?Agilesoftware development processes Does agile software development form a pleasant and professional software development environment? Such questions are now irrelevant since during the past decade, agile software development has become a mainstream approach for managing software development processes. A new trend we witnessed recently is agility anywhere—in many organizations, agility is used today in many areas, not only in software development processes. This is the message of this Brief. We highlight the perspective that agility is not limited anymore to software projects, but rather, it is a lifestyle. Therefore, we decided to call the second edition of our book Agile Anywhere. In this chapter, we present our Human–Organizational–Technological (HOT) framework which we extensively used in our first edition and show how it also fits the Agile Anywhere point of view (Hazzan and Dubinsky 2010); specifically, by replacing Technological with Thematic, the HOT framework deals with all change scenes (software, human resources, research, education, climate, and more). We illustrate this idea using the theme of education and analyze the Finnish education system, known to be one of the best in the world, from the agile perspective.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSpringerBriefs in Computer Science
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSpringerBriefs in Computer Science
ISSN (Print)2191-5768
ISSN (Electronic)2191-5776

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014, The Author(s).


  • Agile environments
  • Agile lifestyle
  • Agile projects
  • Agile software engineering
  • Agility anywhere
  • Education
  • Finnish education system
  • Human resources
  • Human–Organizational–Technological framework
  • Research

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science


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