Factors affecting varicella vaccine uptake among children 1-17 years old in the Haifa District in 2007

Ehud Miron, Nagwa Abu-Foul, Shmuel Rishpon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The Israeli National Vaccination program (INVP) is aimed mainly at the pediatric age group. Till 2008 the program did not include routine administration of vaccine against Varicella (chickenpox). For the past 7 years, however, vaccine against Varicella has been available to the public and subsidized through the health maintenance organizations (HMOs). On the eve of probable introduction of the Varicella Zoster Vaccine (VZ-V) into the INVP a study was conducted to examine factors postulated to be of importance in vaccination uptake. These factors can be assessed while the vaccine is only administered through active choice, as opposed to administration by default as part of INVP. The study group comprised the communities in the District of Haifa. The aim of the study was to assess vaccination rates and contributing factors in the decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate against VZ. The study showed that uptake of VZ-V was in correlation with: 1. Population group (i.e., religious denomination) - Jews were more likely to vaccinate (OR = 3.88). 2. Level of education - parents with higher level of education were more likely to vaccinate (OR = 1.91). 3. Level of religious observance - non-observant parents were more likely to vaccinate (OR = 2.7). 4. Complementary insurance (reimbursement of cost) - parents with complementary insurance were more likely to vaccinate (OR = 3.41). 5. A physician's recommendation to vaccinate - when a physician recommendation was given for vaccination the likelihood of vaccination was increased (OR = 2.94).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)849-853
Number of pages5
JournalHuman Vaccines
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2010


  • Incentives
  • Jews
  • Non-jews
  • Uptake
  • Vaccine
  • Varicella zoster

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology
  • General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics


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