Existence and approximation of solutions for Fredholm equations of the first kind with applications to a linear moment problem

Dan Butnariu, Ben Zion Shklyar

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The Cimmino algorithm is an interative projection method for finding almost common points of measurable families of closed convex sets in a Hilbert space. When applied to Fredholm equations of the first kind, the Cimmino algorithm produces weak approximations of solutions provided that solutions exist. We show that for consistent Fredholm equations of the first kind whose data satisfy some spectral conditions, the sequences produced by the Cimmino algorithm converge not only weakly but also in norm. Using this fact, we obtain an existence criterion for solutions to a class of moment problems and show that if problems in this class have solutions, then the Cimmino algorithm generate norm approximations of such solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-37
Number of pages17
JournalOptimization Methods and Software
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2008


  • Almost common point
  • Asymptotic centre of a sequence
  • Cimmino type algorithm
  • Discrete linear moment problem
  • Eigenvalue of a linear operator
  • Fredholm equation of the first kind
  • Gram matrix
  • Projection method
  • Spectrum of a linear operator

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Control and Optimization
  • Applied Mathematics


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