Erratum: Innovation, conservation, and repurposing of gene function in root cell type development (Cell (2021) 184(12) (3333–3348.e19), (S0092867421005043), (10.1016/j.cell.2021.04.024))

Kaisa Kajala, Mona Gouran, Lidor Shaar-Moshe, G. Alex Mason, Joel Rodriguez-Medina, Dorota Kawa, Germain Pauluzzi, Mauricio Reynoso, Alex Canto-Pastor, Concepcion Manzano, Vincent Lau, Mariana A.S. Artur, Donnelly A. West, Sharon B. Gray, Alexander T. Borowsky, Bryshal P. Moore, Andrew I. Yao, Kevin W. Morimoto, Marko Bajic, Elide FormentinNiba A. Nirmal, Alan Rodriguez, Asher Pasha, Roger B. Deal, Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Torgeir R. Hvidsten, Nicholas J. Provart, Neelima R. Sinha, Daniel E. Runcie, Julia Bailey-Serres, Siobhan M. Brady

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/Debate


(Cell 184, 3333–3348.e1–e19; June 10, 2021) Our paper, in part, focused on the role of tomato root xylem-enriched transcription factors in xylem development. Following publication of the article, we identified an error in the description of the literature. In Arabidopsis, high levels of miRNA-resistant PHABULOSA transcript result in protoxylem cells mis-specified as metaxylem (Miyashima et al., 2011). In the original version of the article, we incorrectly reversed the words “protoxylem” and “metaxylem.” Also, our data (Figure 3C, Figure S3) demonstrate ectopic protoxylem identity as a consequence of over-expression of tomato miRNA-resistant PHB/PHV-LIKE1 and not metaxylem identity, as observed in Arabidopsis by Miyashima et al., 2011. While our results are similar to reports of HD-ZIP III transcription factors regulating xylem development, they also illustrate conservation and repurposing of xylem patterning regulation between Arabidopsis and tomato. These changes do not affect the conclusions of the article, and the text has been corrected online. The authors apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5070
Number of pages1
Issue number19
StatePublished - 16 Sep 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Author(s)

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology


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