Dissociation between genes activated in long-term potentiation and in spatial learning in the rat

G. Richter-Levin, K. L. Thomas, S. P. Hunt, T. V.P. Bliss

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We have compared changes in mRNA of three genes, zif268, raf B, and syntaxin lB, following the unilateral induction of longterm potentiation (LTP) in rats previously trained in a water maze, and in behaviourally naive animals. mRNA of all three genes was enhanced in the potentiated dentate gyrus of naive animals 3 h after the induction of LTP. Training did not affect expression of mRNA for zif268 or forsyntaxin 1B. Expression of raf B was enhanced by training, and in trained animals the LTP-associated increase in expression of raf B was occluded. These results suggest that LTP and spatial training engage a common pathway utilizing an increase in mRNA for raf B, and demonstrate a dissociation between LTP and spatial learning with respect to expression of zif268 and syntaxin 1B.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-44
Number of pages4
JournalNeuroscience Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - 17 Jul 1998
Externally publishedYes


  • Dentate gyrus
  • Hippocampus
  • Krox24
  • Raf B
  • Syntaxin 1B
  • Zif268

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Neuroscience


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