Correlates of change in marital relationships under stress: The case of childhood cancer

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This study focuses on the factors associated with positive and negative change in the marital relationship among parents of children with cancer. Data were gathered from both parents in 35 couples whose children had been treated for cancer. Measures included perception of the situation and personal, system, and community resources. Change in the marital relationship was primarily associated with mothers' social support and fathers' sense of coherence, as well as with duration of the illness. Additionally, change was associated with psychological distress of the fathers, but not of the mothers. Whereas women's psychological distress is buffered by social support, men achieve their primary support within the marriage and therefore experience less distress when the marital relationship is stronger.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)112-120
Number of pages9
JournalFamilies in Society
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2005

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous)


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