Characterization of the wheat-tetraploid Thinopyrum elongatum 7E(7D) substitution line with Fusarium head blight resistance

Dandan Wu, Fei Wang, Linfeng Chen, Yuanwen Mao, Yinghui Li, Wei Zhu, Lili Xu, Yazhou Zhang, Yi Wang, Jian Zeng, Yiran Cheng, Lina Sha, Xing Fan, Haiqin Zhang, Yonghong Zhou, Houyang Kang

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Background: Fusarium head blight (FHB), a devastating disease of wheat production, is predominantly elicited by Fusarium graminearum (Fg). The tetraploid Thinopyrum elongatum is a tertiary gene resource of common wheat that possesses high affinity and displays high resistance traits against multiple biotic and abiotic stress. We aim to employ and utilize the novel FHB resistance resources from the wild germplasm of common wheat for breeding. Results: Durum wheat-tetraploid Th. elongatum amphiploid 8801 was hybridized with common wheat cultivars SM482 and SM51, and the F5 generation was generated. We conducted cytogenetically in situ hybridization (ISH) technologies to select and confirm a genetically stable 7E(7D) substitution line K17-1069-5, which showed FHB expansion resistance in both field and greenhouse infection experiments and displayed no significant disadvantage in agronomic traits compared to their common wheat parents in the field. The F2 segregation populations (K17-1069-5 × SM830) showed that the 7E chromosome conferred dominant FHB resistance with dosage effect. We developed 19 SSR molecular markers specific to chromosome 7E, which could be conducted for genetic mapping and large breeding populations marker-assisted selection (MAS) during selection procedures in the future. We isolated a novel Fhb7 allele from the tetraploid Th. elongatum chromosome 7E (Chr7E) using homology-based cloning, which was designated as TTE7E-Fhb7. Conclusions: In summary, our study developed a novel wheat-tetraploid Thinopyrum elongatum 7E(7D) K17-1069-5 substitution line which contains stable FHB resistance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1006
JournalBMC Plant Biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 26 Oct 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.


  • Common wheat substitution line
  • Fhb7 gene resistance
  • Fusarium head blight
  • Tetraploid Thinopyrum elongatum

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Plant Science


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