Cervical kinematics of fast neck motion across age

H Sarig Bahat, M Igbariya, J Quek, J Treleaven

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Purpose: To evaluate the velocity, smoothness, and symmetry of fast cervical motion in asymptomatic individuals
of four age groups, and to investigate the relationship between age and these measures.
Methods: Cross-sectional study with fifty-eight asymptomatic volunteers (28 F, 30 M), aged 18-80 (mean age=44.14
± 17.35) were assessed using a customized Virtual Reality (VR) system. VR head-mounted display stimulated fast
neck movements in response to virtual targets appearing randomly. Outcome measures were neck motion velocity,
smoothness, and symmetry of velocity profile.
Main findings: The eldest group differed from younger age groups in peak and mean velocity of neck motion.
Smoothness demonstrated age-group difference only between the youngest and oldest groups. Linear regression
analysis showed significant negative correlations in mean and peak velocity, and in smoothness with age, excluding
smoothness in right rotation. No age-group differences and no significant correlations were found for time-to-peakvelocity in all directions of neck movement (p>0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that age influenced the velocity in which asymptomatic individuals could move their
neck, specifically in elders over 60 years of age. Clinically, this may suggest that when elders with neck pain present
with slower cervical motion, it is probably partly due to aging and thus should be taken into account in the management
and expected level of performance.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2
Number of pages1
JournalJournal of Novel Physiotherapies
Issue number306
StatePublished - 2016


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