Itai Beeri
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Political Sciences - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Eran Vigoda-Gadot
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Political Sciences - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Carmela Lutmar
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Political Sciences - Senior Lecturer, Teaching Associate
Person: Teaching, Academic
Orna Baron Epel
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, School of Public Health - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Nissim Cohen
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Political Sciences - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Ofira Ayalon
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Environmental Sciences - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Doron Navot
- Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Political Sciences - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
עדי ארד
External person
אלכסנדר זבלוצקי
External person
Oded Steklov
External person
מייקל הרטל
External person
עומר מואב
External person
אלכסדנר זבלוצקי
External person
ברוך רוזן
External person
זהר אור שרביט
External person
Michael Huerta-Hartal
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Israel Defense Forces
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- JDC-Brookdale Institute Israel
External person
סטיבן לאופר
External person
אריאל אינקר
External person
Ohad Raveh
- Curtin University
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Center for Agricultural Economic Research
External person