Maayan Agmon
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Zohar Elyoseph
- Faculty of Education, Department of Counseling and Human Development - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Tamar Shochat
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Tal Krasovsky
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Hanoch Kaphzan
- Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Neurobiology - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Rachel Kizony
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic
Israel Doron
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Gerontology - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Iris Haimov
- Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
External person
Orna Tzischinsky
- University of Haifa
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- Emek Yezreel Academic College
External person
Snait Tamir
- Migal Galilee Technology Center Israel
- Tel Hai Academic College
- MIGAL-Galilee Research Institute
- University of Haifa
External person
Faiga Magzal
- Tel Hai Academic College
- Migal Galilee Technology Center Israel
- MIGAL-Galilee Research Institute
External person
Efrat Gil
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Clalit Health Services
- Geriatric Unit
- Carmel Medical Center
- Emek Medical Center
- Technion
External person
Inbar Levkovich
- University of Haifa
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Oranim Academic College of Education
- Tel Hai Academic College
- Volunteer Center for Mental Assistance in Bet Shearim
- Oranim Academic College
External person