Anat Drach Zahavy
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Efrat Shadmi
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Nadya Golfenshtein
Person: Academic
Cheryl Zlotnick
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Tamar Shochat
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Anna Zisberg
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Nurit Gur-Yaish
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary Programs in Child Development - Teaching Associate
Person: Teaching
Gary D. Sinoff
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Gerontology - Senior Lecturer
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy - Senior Lecturer
Person: Retired
Diane Levin-Zamir
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, School of Public Health - Full Professor
Person: Academic
Daniel Sperling
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Michal Granot
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Full Professor (Emeritus)
Person: Retired
Ricky Cohen
Person: Academic
Maayan Agmon
- Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Ran Balicer
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Clalit Health Services
- Israel Defense Forces
- Army Health Branch
- Israel Defense Forces
- University of Haifa
- Medical Corps
- Rabin Medical Center Israel
- Tel Aviv University
- Israeli Defense Force Medical Corps
- The Gertner Institute
- Medical Corps
- Harvard University
- Innovation Division
External person
Jose Mira
- Miguel Hernández University
- Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region
- Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research
- Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research
- Alicante-Sant Joan Health District
- Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
External person
Reinhard Strametz
- Rhein Main University of Applied Science
- University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
- RheinMain University of Applied Science
External person
Susanna Tella
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- University of Eastern Finland
External person
Becca Feldman
- Clalit Health Services
- Hadassah University Medical Centre
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
External person
Heather L. Rogers
- Ikerbasque Basque Foundation for Science
- BioCruces Health Research Institute
External person
Roman Andrzej Lewandowski
- University of Social Sciences Lodz
- Voivodeship Rehabilitation Hospital for Children in Ameryka
External person
Eva Gil-Hernández
- Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research
External person
Barbara Medoff-Cooper
- University of Pennsylvania
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
External person
María Pilar Astier-Peña
- Territorial Health Authority
- Quality and Safety Group of Wonca World (Global Family Doctors)
- Patient Safety Group of SemFYC (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine) and Quality and Safety Group of Wonca World (Global Family Doctors)
External person
Hanna Admi
- Nursing Division
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rambam Medical Campus: Nursing Division
- Division of Research
- Emek Yezreel College
- Health Care Campus
- Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel
- Yezreel Valley College
- General Medicine
- Nursing Administration
- Rambam - Health Care Campus
- Rambam Health Care Campus
External person
Henia Peri-Mazra
External person
Shraga Blazer
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Departments of Neonatology
External person
Arieh Riskin
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Carmel Medical Center
External person
Shmuel Zangen
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
- Barzilai University Medical Center
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
- Barzilai University Medical Center
External person
Boban Joksimoski
- Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
- SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
External person
P. Kuperman
- University of Haifa
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
External person
David Yarnitsky
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Washington
- Bnai-Zion Medical Center
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Haifa
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
External person
Alexandra L. Hanlon
- University of Pennsylvania
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
External person
נורית וגנר
External person
Adriana López-Pineda
- Miguel Hernández University
- Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research
External person
Georgeta Popovici
- Institutul National de Management al Serviciilor de Sanatate Romania
External person
Yelena Granovsky
- Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
- Rambam Health Care Campus Israel
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Haifa
- Rambam Health Care Center
- Rambam Health Care Center
External person