School Of Business Administration


Search results

  • 2023

    Sick and working: Current challenges and emerging directions for future presenteeism research

    Patel, C., Biron, M., Cooper, S. C. & Budhwar, P. S., Jul 2023, In: Journal of Organizational Behavior. 44, 6, p. 839-852 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • 2015

    A global perspective on diversity and inclusion in work organisations

    Farndale, E., Biron, M., Briscoe, D. R. & Raghuram, S., 26 Mar 2015, In: International Journal of Human Resource Management. 26, 6, p. 677-687 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • Levels, processes, and social-issues in organizations: Integrative introduction

    Tzafrir, S., Parry, E. & Enosh, G., 2015, In: Journal of Managerial Psychology. 30, 5, p. 507-512 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2011

    WSM'11 welcome message

    Hoi, S. C. H., Doulamis, A., Jacovi, M., Raban, D., Kompatsiaris, Y., Varvarigou, T., Luo, J., Xu, D., Tserpes, K. & Van Zwol, R., 2011, In: MM'11 - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Multimedia Conference and Co-Located Workshops - WSM'11: 3rd ACM Social Media Workshop. p. iii

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2009

    Workaholism from a cross-cultural perspective

    Snir, R. & Harpaz, I., Nov 2009, In: Cross-Cultural Research. 43, 4, p. 303-308 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

    Open Access
  • 2007

    TOIS reviewers January 2006 through May 2007

    Marchionini, G., Abbasi, A., Agichtein, E., Ahmad, K., Al-Maskari, A., Amati, G., Yahia, S. A., Argamon, S., Ashbrook, D., Atzeni, P., Bacchin, M., Back, G., Badia, A., Banczur, A., Berendt, B., Bertino, E., Bhagyavati, B., Bhavnani, S., Bhosale, D. & Bodoff, D. & 215 others, Boldi, P., Bollen, J., Bonifati, A., Borlund, P., Bose, J., Bouguettaya, A., Brinkmeier, M., Brown, P., Brusilovsky, P., Bruza, P., Burges, C., Burke, R., Carterette, B., Cater, A., Chang, K., Chen, H. H., Chen, Z., Cheney, J., Cheng, P. J., Chiang, R., Choi, B., Chua, T. S., Clarke, C., Clough, P., Consens, M., Cormack, G., Craswell, N., Crestani, F., Crouch, C., Cucerzan, S. P., Cui, H., Cunningham, S. J., Cutrell, E., De La Fuente, P., De Vries, A., Diekema, A., Dominich, S., Doraisamy, S., Dunlop, M., Dupret, G., Efron, M., Ellman, J., Enser, P., Erkan, G., Fochtmann, L., Fongen, A., Ford, N., Franz, M., Fu, X., Garza, P., Gauch, S., Geneves, P., Gladney, H., Gnasa, M., Goldberg, A., Goncalves, M., Goutte, C., Grossman, D., Groth, D., Gwizdka, J., Haas, S., Harabagiu, S., Harman, D., Henrich, A., Hiemstra, D., Hollaar, L., Hsu, C. N., Huang, F., Huang, Z., Huhns, M., Hurtado, C., Innoue, K., Ipeirotis, P., Jansen, B., Jianqiang, W., Jin, R., Junkkari, M., Juola, P., Kakade, V., Kamps, J., Kang, I. H., Karakos, D., Karkaletsis, V., Kaszkiel, M., Kaza, S., Kekäläinen, J., Kelly, D., Kimelfeld, B., Kolcz, A., Konstan, J., Kwok, K. L., Lad, A., Laender, A., Lalmas, M., Larkey, L., Larson, R., Layaida, N., Le, Z., Lee, D. L., Lee, D., Leidner, J., Levow, G., Li, H., Li, X., Lin, C. Y., Lin, J., Liu, T. Y., Liu, Z., Losada, D., Lu, J., Ma, Y., Mani, I., Mani, M., Manolescu, I., Marshall, C., Martinez, M., Mass, Y., McNamee, P., McNee, S., Medjahed, B., Meho, L., Metzler, D., Mihalcea, R., Mitkov, R., Mobasher, B., Mongiello, M., Nenkova, A., Neven, F., Ng, D., Ng, W., Ngu, A., Nichols, D., Nie, J. Y., Noy, N., Oakes, M., Scott Olsson, J., Ounis, I., Pang, B., Pehcevski, J., Petrakis, E., Piwowarski, B., Powell, A., Prager, J., Pretschner, A., Raje, R., Ramesh, B., Robertson, S., Rocha, L., Rölleke, T., Roussinov, D., Ruthven, I., Sakai, T., Sauvagnat, K., Savoy, J., Schenkel, R., Schneider, F., Schuetze, H., Seeling, C., Segal, R., Shen, H. T., Shokouhi, M., Si, L., Silvestri, F., Smeaton, A., Smyth, B., Spink, A., Srihari, R., Staab, S., Stokoe, C., Straccia, U., Strohman, T., Tan, A. H., Teevan, J., Tennis, J., Tetlow, P., Teufel, S., Tombros, T., Toms, E. G., Trotman, A., Tsai, W. H., Turpin, A., Tzanetakis, G., Uitdenbogerd, S., Van Renesse, R., Van Rijsbergen, K., Voorhees, E., Wang, J. H., Wang, J., Watters, C., Weaver, A., Weikum, G., Westerveld, T., White, R., Whittle, M., Wiebe, J., Wu, Y., Xi, W., Xu, J., Xu, W., Yee, W. G., Yerazunis, W., Yilmazel, O., Yu, C., Yu, X., Zaragoza, H., Zhang, C., Zhang, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhao, Y., Zhong, S., Zhou, X. M., Zhu, J. B. & Zhu, Y., 1 Oct 2007, In: ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 25, 4, 15.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • 2001

    Editorial: Special issue: Biofluiddynamics - In memory of Sir James Lighthill

    Gueron, S., 25 Nov 2001, In: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 24, 17-18, p. 1305 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

  • Particle based modelling methods applied in biology

    Kaandorp, J. A. & Gueron, S., May 2001, In: Future Generation Computer Systems. 17, 7, p. v-vi 775.

    Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial